I am looking to detect Memory B and T cell after 35 days of challenge. Is spleen enough or should I look for PBMC and lymphnode? What will be the ideal markers for both?
While I’m not sure how long they wait, some people I know use CD-11c for memory B cells...CD45 RA could be used for memory T cells. Generally they’ll isolate B cells from the spleen (I believe the lamina propria also) and the T cells from the lymph nodes.
The spleen is widely used to evaluate memory response of B cells in mice. Unless you want to do some more specific study. The populations of memory B cells are heterogeneous and you should review well what is the objective of your study. I recommend you read these two articles where the authors propose some evaluation panels.
Article Memory B Cells in Mouse Models
Article The quantity of CD40 signaling determines the differentiatio...