In our current design of linear binary current steering low-noise CMOS slowDAC, we converged in the use of long channel NMOS transistors. Indeed, a low noise, lower than 10pA/√Hz at 100µA, and good matching of the weights of the binary DAC leads to the use of long channel NMOS transistor in the design of binary coded current mirrors.
It seems better to increase L than W to improve the current mirror matching looking at Monte Carlo Simulations.
NMOS sized with L as long as 20 µm for a W of 8 µm is considered. Assuming that such long channel NMOS transistors are unusual (?) in VLSI design ... have you experienced the use of long-channel transistors in VLSI DAC design? Any papers, or review about the use, and justifications, of long channel MOS transistors for ASIC design?