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Questions related to Algebra
Quantum programming As we know, old computers work according to the rules of Boolean logic and classical set theory . On the other hand there is a discussion about quantum computers nowadays. If...
22 December 2020 490 4 View
Let $p$ be a prime number, and let $\mathbb{F}_{p}$ be a finite field of order $p$. Let $GL_{n}(\mathbb{F}_{p})$ denote the general linear group and $U_{n}$ denote the unitriangular group of...
23 August 2020 5,159 3 View
I'm reviewing a lot of papers where the authors take a 3-D autonomous chaotic system (think Lorenz) and add a fourth variable bidirectionally coupled to the other three and then report its unusual...
05 May 2020 3,998 33 View
I have tried to link some topics in mathematics which included the word " Rational" , I have got many references which used " Rational" in Group theory and Probability and number theory and...
04 May 2020 3,865 3 View
I have proved some property. 1. Idempotency, 2. Commutativity, 3. Associativity, 4. Absorption law, 5. Distributivity and 6. De Morgan's laws over complement. what is the structure of this...
29 April 2020 9,414 4 View
Hello scientists, We are proposing to develop a potential fault diagnostic model of Power Transformers according to the approach based on Hedge Algebra. Following this approach, we need to have...
04 April 2020 1,918 3 View
Hello, I have a matrix M of dimensions m * n, and I have the decomposition into singular values M = U * S * V, I want to know if it's possible to recover the matrix M without having U and V, but...
29 March 2020 6,634 7 View
If B(H) is the algebra of bounded linear operators acting on an infinite dimensional complex Hilbert space, then which elements of B(H) that can't be written as a linear combination of orthogonal...
23 March 2020 9,882 13 View
Hark back 11th century, we find algebra shackled by geometry. So, there was no honour in the negative number. When algebra was released, it opened a new world for us. Before then, geometry had...
07 March 2020 2,856 4 View
Is it possible to find a non-amenable group G, an elementary C*-algebra A (i.e A=K(H) for some Hilbert space) with an action of G on A, such that the corresponding semi-direct bundle (or called...
26 February 2020 8,182 1 View
A detailed consideration of the First and Second Universal Enveloping Algebras of a semi-simple Lie algebra and their contributions to infinite-dimensional representations of the group are...
21 February 2020 8,530 3 View
I'm a retired applied mathematician seeking a volunteer job using my (math/EE) education and experience in (disc drive/airplane/space) industries. A calculus-level compiler provides a quick way...
17 February 2020 2,599 3 View
The world is a variety. When we remove the noises around us, we see the beauty of that variety. That is the message of the Euler-Lagrange equation. But where is that beautiful message in ordinary...
02 February 2020 732 6 View
A ring R is simple if it has no two-sided ideal. A ring R is Abelian if each idempotent in R is central and R is domain if for each a,b in R, ab=0 implies that a=0 or b=0.
02 February 2020 6,403 7 View
I am studying PG final year. I wanna do my final year proje
02 February 2020 5,944 19 View
The question is simple: Let A be associative real algebra and A(+) the related jordan algebra with product A * B= 1/2(AB+BA). The centre of A(+) denoted by z(A(+) ) (set of ''operator...
29 December 2019 3,864 5 View
12 December 2019 8,107 5 View
As the algebric sum of the all oxidations states in a compound is zero. There it looks like C has zero oxidation state. What is your opinion about this?
12 December 2019 8,035 2 View
I need some suggestions what are the growing topics in algebraic combinatorics and graph theory for research? Thank you in advance to everyone who will answer.
22 November 2019 9,718 6 View
Hi All, Let us assume that we have two points, A & B; whereas A (X=8, Y=2) and B(X=3, Y=4). I am trying to figure out if I can get any useful and rational "single value" from point A's X & Y...
11 November 2019 8,981 4 View
Prove that if W is a diagonal matrix having positive diagonal elements and size (2^n – 1)x(2^n – 1), K is a matrix with size (2^n – 1)xn, then: A = K'*(inv(W) - K*inv(K'*W*K)*K')*K is a positive...
11 November 2019 6,689 21 View
11 November 2019 6,782 6 View
Hello... ِDear researchers When i evaluate textbooks with using standards, To what extent should educational content address any of the following topics? Problem solving, representation,...
11 November 2019 6,130 5 View
I have problem with simulation in Simulink, it cuts it after few microsecund due to algebric loop. Problem starts when i try to implement more than 2 surge arresters on overhead line. I' ve tried...
29 September 2019 1,182 1 View