11 November 2017 4 671 Report

Hello dear collegues. Im using sybr green 1 qpcr assay for evaluation of relative mitochondrial copy numbers in dna samples from human blood. Im using primers for nuclear and mitochondrial genome that showed good efficiency from standard curves (pic 1,2,3).

I use 96 well plates and aliquots of primers and 2 control samples in each run (both control samples were tested by running standard curves). Problem is that each run shows large differences in average dRn value of all samples (pic 4,5,6 - 2 control samples; pic 7 - all samples in plate). Even both targets (Mito and Nuclear) show differences in dRn in the same run, so dCq between Mito and Nuclear targets of control samples and ddCq of 2 control samples change every run (Up to 30%). And multicomponent plot looks strange - what is that increase of fluorescence at 40 cycle? I thought maybe reaction efficiency varies between runs, but what could be the problem? I checked amplification products from plates with tenfold difference in fluorescence (pic 4 and 6) in agarose gel and bands had same intensity. I dont use reference dye but i doubt it can solve the tenfold difference in dRN problem. Also i have evaporation from some wells in each run and dRn of these wells are lower but could it decrease dRn of whole plate tenfold.

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