05 January 2016 4 337 Report

I am working on a de novo assembly for an organism with a fairly small genome (~200 Mb), and for which we have already generated paired end (2x100) Illumina reads which assembled gives an N50 >30kb and about 50-100X coverage. 

We want to now generate a large insert library, probably for PacBio, to generate about 10-15X coverage fro scaffolding.

The problem is these are very small organisms, and we cannot attain very many- so all of the DNA we have if we pooled it all would be 1-2 ug. PacBio facilities I have looked into list a requirement of >5 ug of input DNA for insert sizes >10 kb... So my questions are: 

  • Is it possible to compensate for the low input DNA by widening the size selection? Say we sequenced everything from 3-20kb? Does this cause any issues? 
  • Has anyone had any experience with whole-genome amplification, like the Qiagen REPLI-g? Is this a good option in this case? The Shistosoma haematobium genome was sequenced following use of a REPLI-g kit, which would probably be similar in genome size and DNA extraction yield to our organisms. 
  • Anyone know of a PacBio facility which is willing to deviate from their input DNA requirements (which tend to be high, >5 ug)? Or in general recommendations for PacBio facilities?
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