Hello, I am using the following coarse mesh of size 7. I am integrating using the control-volume approach in which I use difference between the fluxes at the edges of CV. As you can see that in the middle, I have three points for which I divided their control volume in four parts to have a refinement of factor 2. Apart from these 12 points, I have to had some ghost points which are required to provide fluxes at the edge of fine mesh points.

After two integration on fine mesh (because r equals 2), I am averaging the fine mesh values and putting them in place of their respective underneath coarse mesh point. On some coarse points near to coarse-fine mesh interface, I use the procedure described here(http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999189900351) which is basically that I replace some coarse fluxes by the sum of fine mesh fluxes which are along the interface.

This is not giving me the desired results even I broke down my code manually point-by-point i.e. for every point, I am writing precisely what happens to it.

Please let me know if I am committing a mistake anywhere. Thanks!

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