The computational cluster I have been submitting jobs is switching clusters from one that supports 24 ncpus to 36 ncpus. The problem is, now when I run my jobs it produces the following error:

36 OpenMP threads were requested. Since the non-bonded force buffer reduction

is prohibitively slow with more than 32 threads, we do not allow this. Use 32

or less OpenMP threads.

I have asked the computational cluster individuals for help, but they sent me the documentation to GROMACS:

Here is my relevant code:



#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=36:mpiprocs=12:mem=1GB,walltime=01:00:00

(NOTE: This value MUST be 36. If I try anything else, the job is immediately rejected)

#PBS -q qprod

#PBS -N test



ml GROMACS/2016.5-intel-2017c-hybrid-single-PLUMED-2.3.8

gmx_mpi mdrun -ntomp 36 -s energymin.tpr -deffnm energymin -v &> energymin.mdrun


If anyone has any suggestions, I would be extremely happy to hear them! I am slightly out of my depth on this one…

Thank you so much ahead of time,


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