Hello, I got some "red colonies" on Trypticase Soy Agar (TSA) and I was so curious about it. it was from the water sample of a shrimp pond. after I spread it, about 22 hours I got a little colony and I isolate it (like in the picture 1 and 2). then I got other two colonies from different sample but not as red as the first one (picture 3) but after 48 hours of incubation it become as red as the first one. I did some biochemical tests and gram staining on them such as catalase, oxidase, O/F and KOH. the result were catalse +, oxidase -, O/F + (fermentation) and gram -. as the result same as the literature on the internet I can guess the bacteria I isolated before was Serratia, but about the species, I was not sure it was marcescens.

so what do you think?

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