When you patch the solids in the flow, some bigger particles will form, so drag and lift forces will be modified over solid components. The consequence is that solids could accumulte in the stream, they could block the movement of the liquid. Therefore, more pressure must be applied to the system in order to mantain the same velocities in the flow..
I am not sure what you are doing - the population balance model is Eulerian, particles are Lagrangian. If you enable the (Eulerian) population balance, the velocity vectors should not change - what changes is the local particle size, and as you start iterating again that will modify velocity fields, but it should not reset the fields directly upon enabling...
Thank you Cees Haringa and Carlos Moreno Negrin for your answers. let me elaborate my problem, I am having a stirred tank system (operated in batch mode). I want to understand breakage and aggregation of solid particles in the stirred tank using E-E (KGTF) model coupled with PBM-QMOM method.I have got the solution of the quasi steady flow field for the stirred tank. The issue is that when I patch the region with a volume fraction of particles, the velocity profile becomes zero ( i lose all the flow field generated earlier). Kindly give your views and suggestions.
Did you enable the E-E model before, or not? If you switch on the E-E model after first converging single-phase, you will lose information on the flowfield - because you go from 1 to 2 phases. So, you need to run from the start with E-E enabled, even if the flow is still practically single phase. Another workaround:
- Make an on-demand udf that stores u,v, w of the liquid phase in UDM 0,1,2 before switching to 2-phase.
- After switching to 2-phase, define 3 custom field functions whos value is simply UDM0, UDM1, UDM2, respectively. Then, under patch, you can patch the field function values into the velocity components for phase 1, thereby restoring the flow field.