Let us suggest that this could done. But what is the goal? Pyruvate reacts with radicals non-specifically, even those which are in the atmosphere and its antioxidant capacity is limited to the number of molecules. Thus this approach is a dead end. What is the purpose of the latex beads?
Hi, Thank-you for your reply! The idea is to inject the beads into a zebrafish in order to decrease the amount of ROS in macrophages. It does not need to be sodium pyruvate , I was also considering mannitol and carboxy-PTIO.
I did not understood from your page on Research Gate what you are doing with microbes and genome. As regards oxidative stress, here I have some new saying. Therefore I have attached for you my recent paper on aging and oxidative stress. This is important because before you look for some protector, you should have an idea what damaging mechanism you want to prevent. Mannitol protects from damaging effects of hydroxyl radicals, which in experiments is derived from hydrogen peroxide, particularly if Cu or Zn ions are present. These ions 1000 times more active than Fe in activation of the Fenton-like reaction. I f you use not the bi-distilled (in glass) water,but some water purified with resins (like Milli-Q water), you solutions may contain huge amounts of peroxides. This is described in my book Practical mitochobdriology, which you can copy from my page on Research Gate. Do you have someone at Sheffild to discuss your problems with? If you will have questions, you can ask me. I have retired< write papers and books and help young researchers in Russia.