Is the electropolymerisation of polyaniline coating over stainless steel (SS) via Cyclic voltammetry technique is really adherant? Else how to improve the adhesion of the coating, whether any pretreatment regarding the surface roughness is required?
The Polyaniline coating has good adhesion and you can increase the adhesion through roughness increasing. Glass bead blasting, polishing with grit 80, polishing with grit 800, pickling, and electropolishing. chemical etching can also increase the surface roughness. More details in the following references;
Article Corrosion Protection of Stainless Steel by Polyaniline/Polyp...
Thank you, for your valuable suggestion, I tried of chemical etching using HF and HN03 (1:3), for 10 min, after that I had done CV deposition over SS 316L, using potential window , -0.2 to 1V for deposition using 0.1M aniline monomer and using 0.5M H2S04 as a supporting electrolyte, but still coating is not well adhered to the substrate, thats why I had a doubt, is there any effect of concentration of monomer? even I tried of using 100grit number, even not adhered.