For many years I have used Sidelook ( to assess understorey structure. However, I am using Linux for a few years and do not intend to return to Windows. Thus, I would like some tool that can run other metrics than the number of pixels based on a digital image (area).
The Sidelook is originally based on FRAGSTATS metrics. However, the R alternative for FRAGSTATS (landscapemetrics) runs only with raster objects.
[1] ZEHM, A., NOBIS, M., SCHWABE, A. (2003): Multiparameter analysis of vertical vegetation structure based on digital image processing. Flora 198(2): 142-160.
[2] NOBIS, M., HUNZIKER, U. (2005): Automatic thresholding for hemispherical canopy-photographs based on edge detection. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 128 (2): 243-250.