16 April 2015 11 5K Report

What I am doing is pretty straight forward. I am cutting out a fragment with two restriction enzymes. Then enzymes are needed to chew away the two 3' overhangs so I can circulate my plasmid afterwards. I've tried with pfu but with no success in getting colonies after T4 ligation. Could you please help checking my experiment conditions and please indicate any improvements and suggestions? T4 DNA polymerase or Large Klenow fragment?

End-cleaving ingredients: gel purified double digested plasmid 10ul (41.1ng/ul), pfu DNA polymerase from Promega 1ul, 10x Pfu buffer 10ul, H2O 79ul. Incubate at 72℃ for 20min. Purify according to Qiagen pcr purification kit protocol, final step elute in 15ul H2O.

Then I performed T4 ligation: 2x ligation buffer 5ul,  4ul (out of 15ul) eluted fragment, T4 ligase 1ul. Incubate at 4℃ overnight. Transformation and no colonies.

Thanks in advance.

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