Should the highest level of RNA expression should be on log phase?

To compare the difference of RNA expression, can I use OD value of a cell at the midlog of bacterial growth curve to extract RNA from bacteria with and without an antibiotic?


Is the Optical Density value at midlog of bacterial growth curve the same as the one plus an antibiotic.

Another question is, I can see the log phase of bacterial growth curve (semilog) but for bacteria with antibiotic, the line is not linear (semilog) like log phase, can I use the same method to determine OD at center of the non-linear. 

If this is incorrect could someone share  research paper, protocol or free software for growth curve (equation of log phase, OD at log phase). I will appreciate your help

Thank you in advance

Chooseel Bunsuwansakul

(sorry, I'm not good in English)

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