09 September 2012 22 5K Report

1) When I tried to clone the c-KIT gene into a mammalian expression vector (pCDNA3.1) or viral vector pBABEpuro, I always ended up with big and small colonies on the LB+Amp plate. Only the small colonies were proved to be potentially correct.

2)Then it comes with the second issue, sometimes I have to wait for 2 days to see those small colonies to show up, by then random star colonies showed up too. This makes it very hard to pick the right colonies. Many times I had to pick a dozen of them to get a single correct colony.

3)Third, this is not the end of the story but the beginning. Once I mini-prep a correct colony and enzymatic digestion confirmed it, I scale up for a maxiprep. I ususally inoculate 20 microliters of the mini culture into a big flask contain 250ml LB plus 100ug/ml ampcilin for overnight or I just inoculate 5ml of the culture into a big flask and collect the culture several hours later. The maxiprep ends up with two typical outcomes: either extremely low yield (around 10ug total from 250ml), or normal yield (up to 1mg) but the DNA show a additional major band on gel (~2.2k bp). I can sequence the insert and see correct result but I am very suspicous about the additional band.

4) In many cases, when the maxiprep gives normal yield, I often found stop codon mutation in my gene and no additional band on gel.

5) I tried different vectors and bacteria strains, similar phenomena was observed

6) When I cloned other genes, everything was fine.

7) When I cloned certain mutant c-kit, there was no problem.

Based on above observations, it seems that the c-kit gene is toxic to the bacteria but there shouldn't be any expression in bacteria with the mamalian expresison vector right? I even tried to put small molecule inhibitors for c-kit protein in the bacterial culture which did not work around the problem either.

Any thoughts?

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