yes if u grow the rice under aerobic condition mulch will surely reduce weed infestation and conserve soil moisture, but not in the case of submerged rice
Generally, water management activities that reduces evaporation from soil surface in saline soil will help to control root zone salinity. Mulch is one way to reduce evaporation. Rahaman et al. (2004) also reported that salinity was found to be higher in the treatment without mulch than with different mulch materials.
For your further information, please go through the attached paper. I hope it will help you much.
Mulch can help in buffering salinity if moisture is retained in the soil however, if you have a problem of salinity already in your rice fields the problem will persist. I would reevaluate the fertilization management to reduce the amount of chemical fertilizers that are applied. Also, employ rotation of crops in the rice fields and select local, non-hybrid rice seed varieties.
How and when can we use rice straw mulch for rice cultivation. Actually I want to know the methods of mulching in saline soil for rice cultivation. Is it possible to grow aerobic rice in saline soil?
Dear Aminula Islam, please go through the methodological part of the paper that I attached to you. As the mulch treatments used for experiment are explained there properly, I hope it will give you clue to setup your experiments.
I have gone through the methodology you suggested and found it was for upland crops. Actually I want to know about the process of rice straw mulching in wetland rice culture.
Dear Anoop sir, thank you for giving such a nice paper. I have gone through the paper. I think it is very laborious and suitable only for research purpose. In large scale it will not be feasible.
Mulch effects are more pronounced in case of upland DSR/ aerobic rice system rather than low land conventional TPR system..mulch act as physical barrier for the entry of solar radiation thereby do not provide congenial temperature for growth of Weed seeds/ propagules present in the soil...Mulch reduce evaporation, hence treat salinity problem as due to fast evaporation, water evaporates leaving salts over the soil surface, conserve soil moisture.....Mulch provide assurance against beating action of rainfall owing to crust formation or sometime erosion...