30 Questions 349 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Bruno Borsari
In the history of agriculture we learn where domesticated farm animals originated and when. However, how did the domestication process took place? What publications are available to learn more...
09 June 2021 1,621 9 View
Insects have been consumed by human diet since prehistoric times. At present, the idea of looking at insects as food has been getting traction worldwide, also in response to increasing food...
04 March 2021 6,584 5 View
Beside dung beetles, I would like to learn more about the diversity of arthropods in silvopasture systems where livestock are kept on rotation. Also what about arthropods diversity in similar...
01 November 2020 6,868 1 View
Sustainability is a multidisciplinary field and thus, I am interested in learning what emphases are given to sustainability courses in curricula at universities around the world.
20 October 2020 5,795 11 View
Biochar has been heralded for several years as value added byproduct obtained through pyrolysis to improve/conserve soil health and fertility and amplifying the benefits of carbon sequestration...
20 July 2020 8,207 16 View
I remember from animal nutrition that such antibiotics were used in Italy in the 1980s as "auxinic" factors, aimed at maximizing the digestibility of the feed by destroying the intestinal...
19 March 2020 2,961 10 View
Why the Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) is given much more emphasis in studying soil fertility management than the Anion Exchange Capacity (AEC) considering that major plants nutrients such as:...
14 October 2019 6,782 10 View
A now vast body of literature is claiming that agroecology is socially transformative however, I have not found any work yet that expains why and how this is happening. Please suggest references...
08 October 2019 7,527 4 View
I am familiar with a few species such as: grasshoppers, caterpillar and termites from central Africa and these are resources becoming available during a certain season of the year. How about...
02 October 2019 2,180 4 View
Are there any mechanisms that can explain higher yields when farmers intercrop different plant species?
02 April 2019 8,238 9 View
Agroforestry systems are suggested as sustainable designs in agroecosystems because (among several benefits) they enhance agrobiodiversity. Why then in the agricultural landscapes of more...
31 March 2019 3,214 11 View
I am referring to the loss of cow, horse, pig, sheep, goat, chicken, turkey, honey bees breeds. Is there anyone working on the conservation of farm animals germplasm?
30 March 2019 6,482 4 View
Estrus detection is very important to enhance fertility in livestock. I am interested in learning new technologies/approaches that maximize the conception and fertility of bovine species.
30 January 2019 9,457 14 View
Meliponiculture is the cultivation/raising of stingless bees species. These are native to central and south America and in many indigenous communities they have been kept/managed for millennia. I...
11 August 2018 2,431 3 View
I am looking for assessment studies that substantiate agroecology as a feasible model of sustainable agriculture.
26 July 2018 4,910 4 View
Most land (38.6%) modified by humans for agriculture (pasture + croplands) is about 19.4 million square miles. Another 14.9% (about 7.7 million square miles) is land that is modified for other...
16 June 2018 6,085 2 View
Food production out-puts from cities can be significant and since urbanization is on the rise worldwide I would like to learn more specifically what is/are the impact/s of growing food in cities.
10 April 2018 5,440 5 View
Allelopathy has potential for developing alternative methods of weed control that are ecologically sound? Is there any evidence that substantiates my question? What types of plant exudates would...
27 March 2018 2,610 12 View
When farming in arid regions, the lack of soil moisture can be dealt in the following ways: either by enhancing the resistance to drought via plant breeding, or through an employment of...
26 March 2018 2,342 11 View
Within the context of biofertilizers nobody mentioned the use of human feces for regenerating the fertility of cultivated soils. My friend Joseph Jenkins wrote the book: The Humanure Handbook. A...
23 March 2018 5,294 14 View
Intraspecific competition and allelopathy can be common negative points for designing agroforestry systems (I am referring to alley cropping). Are there any studies that have explored the...
19 March 2018 9,473 8 View
Is fire use a viable tool to manage agricultural land? What knowledge and information is needed to make this approach to land management most sustainable?
16 March 2018 8,879 5 View
There is an increasing demand for organically grown foods in the world although the relevant price differential (organic foods are more expensive) may exclude still a large segment of consumers...
13 March 2018 827 14 View
Traditional, indigenous, small-scale agriculture is often considered as a viable example of sustainable farming, yet how can these farms demonstrate the idea of making agriculture restorative...
10 March 2018 9,635 9 View
What factors/conditions will have to be considered to restore a degraded soil in desertified areas of the tropics that were deforested and managed with slash and burn cultivation, prior of being...
06 March 2018 8,197 8 View
Ash trees in southeastern Minnesota are being removed because they are affected by the emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis). What consequences the ash biomass may have when biochar is...
21 February 2018 9,610 4 View
Agroecology has emerged as a much need field of study to support the development of a regenerative agriculture and the thriving of sustainable food systems. However, what are the skills needed by...
01 January 1970 2,341 15 View
As the human population continues to grow and as cities around the world continue to expand with inevitable consequences on the environment and more associated issues (water quality, waste...
01 January 1970 9,740 8 View
What are the implications of CRISPR technology in food production? Will the technology exacerbate the polarization within consumers as it happened with GMOs? Who owns the intellectual property of...
01 January 1970 3,515 3 View
Eating insects in many tropical countries in Africa, southeast Asia or Latin America is a well established practice. Could this become a viable farming activity for countries in the northern...
01 January 1970 410 3 View