I found a protocol that uses a single dose heparin in hepatic ischemia reperfusion injury induction, I wonder if it`s applicable in the small intestine.
In my lab we do not use the heparin. However, it is desirable to use a non traumatic surgical clip. Heparin could also prevent the formation of blood clots that would occur at the microvessels, distally to the occluded area; It is not good to avoid that, since that would be more like the real acute mesenteric occlusion.
Concordo con risposta precedente. No eparina e devi usare una clip chirurgica atraumatica. Devi valutare bene quanto tempo di ischemia e quanto tempo di riperfusione. Il limite dell'esperimento è che 1) l'occlusione è totale 2) l'occlusione è immediata 3) l'occlusione è all'emergenza 4) la riperfusione è totale 5) la rieprfusione è immediata
I would use heparin in all cases. We do experiments with aortic cross clamping in the mouse for spinal cord ischemia/reperfusion and had some problems before using heparin. We saw no adverse effects and no bleeding problems
Agree with first answer, unless you study the endothelial function or inflammation. Heparin could mask epitopes, making the endothelia less thrombogenic but also altering the attachment to the endothelial cells of inflammatory cells and plateles upon reperfusion. I give a low dose heparin whenever doing IR studies and add it in flushing solutions when transplanting the intestine.