Cursodyl mouthrinse was traditionally ɓetween 0.1 and 0.2% Chlorhexidine gluconate. Cursodyl now comes at 0.06% Chlorhexidine gluconate and is marketted as a twice daily mouthrinse.

My simple question to GSK/Haleon was "how safe is Cursodyl daily considering the known side effect of tooth stains and altered taste as well as the adverse drug reaction of parotid swelling.

I wanted to know this to advise my patients as a Consultant Periodontologist who prescribes Cursodyl daily. I also wanted this information to guide my teaching of national and international undergraduate and postgraduate periodontology students.

GSK replied in 2018 that we no longer need to worry about stains due to the low concentration of 0.06%. On the parotid swelling question, they promised to escalate the question and revert back to me.

Six years on, they claimed that they could not respond to my question because Cursodyl daily is not marketed in Nigeria which is not true.

GSK, now Haleon has refused to provide vital information of the safety of twice daily 0.06% Chlorhexidine gluconate mouthrinse as regards parotid swelling.

Is GSK - Haleon right to sit on the high horse, refusing to address a simple safety concern sought in good faith?????

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