There are more than 500 different C18 columns in the market and all have different material and separation properties. In the past we measured and compared them. Today chromatography has become a commoditized process and nobody is interested in the technology difference of the material
XTerra RP18 and C18 HPLC columns both feature a reversed-phase stationary phase with an 18-carbon chain, designed for separating hydrophobic compounds. XTerra RP18 is a specific brand of HPLC columns, while C18 refers to the general class of columns with a similar C18 alkyl chain. Differences may exist in their formulations, but both are commonly used for diverse analytical applications.
The primary distinction between XTerra RP18 and C18 HPLC columns is rooted in the bonding of the C18 ligand and the existence of an embedded polar group at the base of the ligand, specifically within the XTerra RP18 column.