safety of bariatric surgery is the Longitudinal Assessment of Bariatric Surgery study published in 2009. It followed 4776 patients who had bariatric surgery for the first time, evaluating complications and death rates within the first 30 days after surgery. Thirty-day mortality was low, ranging from no deaths in the laparoscopic adjustable gastric band group to 0.2% in the LRYGB group. Within 30 days of surgery, 4.1% of patients had developed at least one complication. The findings of this research very strongly reaffirm the safety of bariatric surgery. (Essential of surgery )
Cancer incidence is increased in obese individuals. A recent meta-analysis showed that high BMI is associated with an increased incidence of many types of cancers. Certain recent studies support that bariatric surgery is associated with a reduction in the overall cancer incidence
if you mean laprascopic gastric surgery for ca stomach the answer here ( The benefits of laparoscopic surgery in benign disease and colorectal cancer surgery have encouraged surgeons to adopt this in gastric cancer. There is a wide variation in the indications of laparoscopy between the Western countries and Japan. In Japan, although the laparoscopic approach is widely performed for early distal gastric cancer, it is still considered an investigational procedure. The long-term oncological value of laparoscopic distal gastrectomy is not proven in the randomized control trial and we are still awaiting the outcomes in those trials in Japan and Korea. Small randomized control trials showed the potential benefit in terms of general postoperative outcomes, although trials have shown no difference in major postoperative complications. Some trials documented shorter hospital stay with the laparoscopic approach. It is important to recognize that the aim of surgery for gastric cancer is long-term cure. If the surgeon feels that the laparoscopic approach may compromise the oncological quality of the resection, surgeons should revert to the traditional open approach.)(Essential of surgery cuschieri
Dr Hasanain has nicely put it in a nut shell,our experience for benign and for GIST is far superior to open surgery but for cancer is debatable.Personnel experience with distal ant Total gastrectomy is equally safe and carries all the benefits in operable cases.If peritoneal disease is present even a palliative resection may produce port site recurrence.To reduce the time I use Orvil for esophgo gastric/esophago jejunal anasatamosis.For colo rectal cancer it is different.
There is also a small risk related to several factors, as age of the patient, associated diseases and very importante also the experience of the surgeon in this type of surgical intervention
There is evidence to say it is safe and has certain short term advantages in terms of pain etc as would be expected. There is data to support oncological equivalence although assessing standards in surgical technique is very challenging as shown by the D2 trials.
Undoubtedly It is a technically demanding procedure that has a significant learning curve. Total gastrectomy for goj tumours (particularly type 2) and locally advanced gastric cancers are two areas where I believe there is particular need for expertise in open surgery and where the role for laparoscopy is more questionable