Is dna ladder double strandard?If yes,isnt we need to use single strandard ladder than double strandard ladder in PAGE because we are using denatured PCR product.If I am wrong somewhere please correct me?
Yes, the sizing standards are double-stranded, but if you are using a denaturing gel (i.e. urea+PAGE) they will be denatured, same as your sample. The only theoretical situation where you would need single-stranded DNA standards would be when sizing single-stranded oligonucleotides.
Yes, the sizing standards are double-stranded, but if you are using a denaturing gel (i.e. urea+PAGE) they will be denatured, same as your sample. The only theoretical situation where you would need single-stranded DNA standards would be when sizing single-stranded oligonucleotides.
martin have said it well, i might add an hypothetical situation to it.. if run single stranded then what about the run variations that would occur with hairpin sturcture formation, anyhow thats why to normalize samples and markers first of all are denatured