Do you have any experience with RNA clean-up by Direct-zol kit from Zymo research?
Since my TRizol-obtained RNA was full of contaminants, I tried to clean it up by first resuspending it in an equal volume of EtOH 96-100%, then transfered into a Zymo-Spin IIC Column and proceeded to washing steps. As expected, RNA yields was severly reduced but 260/280-260/230 ratios were perfect. I performed column-based DNAase I treatment too, since amplifications in negative controls were recurrents in my qPCRs. I did the same clean-up in the past by using the Macherey -Nagel column-based kit, but I just compromised RNA yield and did not get better 260/230 ratios!
Do you have any advice? Do you think it is fine to go on with this Clean Up I set up? I am using this for a very important experimental protocol...
Thanks in advance!!