Specifically what kind of analysis you have in mind? You can use any kind of general morphometry software like MorphoJ (https://morphometrics.uk/MorphoJ_page.html) or R package like geomorph (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/geomorph/geomorph.pdf).
The measurements themselves can be done in a variety of ways (micrometric eyepiece, software like Digimizer, etc), and the analyses can be performed with any kind of statistical software.
If you have any scale bar in your photographs (you want to perform morphometry), you can use Image J software fiji version.
It is available free of cost and can be used in micrometry too. It measures linear as well as 2 dimensional areas with excellent freedom of selection. It also measures angles. Many other features are there.
Only requirement for using it is any scale bar (even you can use normal student's scales with calibration in mm/cm/inch etc. with in the photographs to be used (which helps in calibrating the software and to be used for every image). I think it will help you.
Here is the link for downloading as per the computer you use:
Please feel free to contact, if needs anything more.