I was reading some discussions about Bonferroni correction on the web site below: http://www.researchgate.net/post/Do_we_need_Bonferroni_corrections_for_a_series_of_T-tests_that_are_conducted_on_different_tasks2

I have some questions about Bonferroni correction and was wondering if anyone of you could kindly help me with them as an expert of Statistics. I really appreciate it! I found a succinct summary of Bonferroni correction here: http://www.fon.hum.uva.nl/praat/manual/Bonferroni_correction.html

Here is my situation: I am currently writing my dissertation in which I used a survey to collect data from two groups of participants and used SPSS to analyze the data. In order to answer Research Question Two “How do the competent and less competent university students differ in terms of their degree of metacognitive knowledge about English writing?”, two independent samples T-tests (or independent t-test, for short) were conducted on the two groups of participants (group A and group B). One was an independent T-test performed on the two groups regarding mean scores of the three sub-scales (person, task, and strategy variables), and the other was an independent T-test conducted on the two groups to compare them item by item (there are 50 items in the survey). My questions are as follows: Question 1. Since there are only two groups of participants involved in this study, is it necessary to perform Bonferroni correction to reduce Type I error ? I thought Bonferroni correction is meant for 3 groups or more, according to the video clip below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BK7Ay49jM_8

Question 2. If an independent T-test is conducted on the two groups to compare the means of the two groups item by item with 50 items in the survey, is that considered one T-test or 50 T-test? In SPSS, I only needed to run one T-test to compare the mean of the two groups item by item for the 50 items.

Thank you so much! Best regards, Mike



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