I have a number of yeast mutants in a particular standard S.cerevisiae background, and for some inexplicable reason, the growth behaviour of the wildtype is very strange recently.

I normally prepare precultures from 1 colony from a fresh plate, in 5 ml complete media (SC or HC, made from commercially available mixes, sterile filtered) and let them grow for 24 h at 30ºC. Both wildtype yeast and mutant precultures grow to approx. the same OD600.

Then, I inoculate 1-5 µl of this preculture into 5 ml fresh SC and let the cultures grow ON (16 h) at 30ºC. For all the mutants, I get the expected OD600 in the morning, only the wildtype grows much less (5-10x less), which often obliges me to discard my experiment.

The cells of the 16h ON culture look healthy in both wt and mutants, the culture density is just reduced in wt. The precultures seem to grow similarly well, however, I noticed more shrunken/dead cells in the wildtype. So apparently, the wildtype is not growing well in the preculture anymore, and it's a mystery to me.

Things I have tried so far:

- change all the solutions (stocks of YNB w/o aa, dropout mixes, glucose stock)

- restreak all strains from the -80ºC stock on selective media/YPD

- re-order the wildtype from Euroscarf

- testing different media: SC vs. HC, still same effect

- testing an almost identical wildtype background (just differs by 2 auxotrophic markers, but anyways I keep the cells in complete synthetic media), which grows fine and doesn't show this problem

Still, my wild type shows this strange behaviour.The thing is, about a year ago wildtype and mutants grew absolutely fine, so I have no idea why suddenly I have these issues.

Has anybody experienced this problem and could give some advice? I am running out of ideas what else I could try to get rid of the problem...

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