SIR models are simple epidemic models, but their generalizations are used in many instances for decision making in front of crisis like the present covid-19 epidemic. A population of N individuals, at time t, is partitioned into susceptible s(t), infected i(t), and recovered r(t). This last class includes recovered, immune and dead people. A simple SIR model (differential equation) can be written as
ds(t)/dt = - b s(t) i(t)
di(t)/dt = (b s(t) - a) i(t)
dr(t)/dt = a i(t)
where a, b are positive parameters of the model.
The question is whether this model can be considered consistent taking into account that s(t), i(t), r(t) are positive and add up to N (or any constant like N=1). Are the solutions and parameters dependent on N? Is positiveness of the solutions guaranteed? Are the derivatives meaningful?