I am confused whether to subtract the absorbance values of samples with the absorbance values of field blanks or do I subtract those after obtaining the concentration?
I must sadly and repeatedly say that the notorious ELISA and RIA methods are not quantitative. Notorious PCR method is also not quantitative. Quantitative determination methods should have a linear calibration line inserting to the zero point.
Instead, please use the quantitative HPLC-photometric method to determine the amount of molecules.
ELISA method gives c.a. 2,000-fold lower values than HPLC-photometric method (please compare the two files; Fucoidan ELISA and JCB Fucoidan transport).
It is common that if the sample OD at 405 nm was greater than the mean of the non infected controls plus 3 times their standard deviation, the sample is possibly infected with the pathogen of interest. However, sometimes the interpretation is not so easy and you will have to do PCR, IC- or RT-PCR according to your work. Bests, Masoud
Thanks, all of you. @Shen-An Hwang, field blanks here are treated like samples (in terms of method and transport) to capture background noises while doing field work. So, technically field blanks are also considered as samples right? Correct me if I'm wrong.