I need to know how can I make groups for correlation... MDA readings in one column and to correlate with disease what should be the parallel column. Which statistical test should be applied?
most popular test in such study is t test . you can compare the results of GSH and MDA for patients and normal persons using t test, also you can make a correlation between GSH and MDA by pearson correlation (r). these 2 tests are most popular
Seerwan Assi Raheem.... Thank you so much.... I was interested in not using healthy control... Just disease and parameter... Though I have controls too yet
Most organic materials, in living systems or not, are susceptible to degradation at varying temperatures in the presence of atmospheric oxygen. This oxidation is at the origin of the deterioration of the mechanical properties of polymers, the rancidity of food or technical fatty substances, or various pathologies such as diabetes.
In biological systems, oxidative stress is the result of an imbalance between the production of free radicals or reactive oxygen species (ROS) and their destruction by antioxidant defense systems. Free radicals can cause significant damage to cell structure and metabolism by degrading proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. To cope with these attacks, organisms have developed antioxidant action systems: enzymatic and non-enzymatic defense systems.
In the enzymatic defense system, three types of antioxidant enzymes are used to destroy reactive oxygen species:
- Superoxidizedismutases (SOD) which catalyze the disproportionation of the superoxide anion to hydrogen peroxide (2📷+ 2📷+📷).
- Catalase which catalyzes the disproportionation of hydrogen peroxide into water allowing its elimination (📷O+📷).
- Gluthathione peroxidase (GPX) which also breaks down hydrogen peroxide using gluthation as a hydrogen donor (📷+ 2GSH📷O +GSSG).