I am trying to find pI (isoelectric point) values of proteins with Bio-Rad's Rotofor. But i could not optimizing it, i am using Human Transferrin and its pI value is between 5.2 to 5.9 as we known from literature informations. And in my experiments i have used an ampholite which range is between 3.5 to 10.0 and i have expected to find my proteins in 6th, 7th and 8th slots. But i have found it from 4th slot (pI 4.52) to 12th slot (pI 7.26). I did the experiment with other proteins, new membranes, new anode and catode solutions, in cold, in 2 hours, in 4 hours, in 5 hours, etc. I tried so many alternatives but i could not perfectly optimized it. Colud you help me please. By the way i have forgotten to say i have used 18.5 ml of dH20, 0.5 ml of Ampholite and 1 ml (0,5mg/ml) sample as shown in the calculation rates on the manual.

I have added my last experiment's ELISA results.

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