I had cloned my gene of interest in to a vector, which has fluorescent protein tag. I did restriction digestion and did insert release of 1.4kb and fragment release having both gene of interest and GFP tag at 2kb. I did transfection in to N2a cells and expressed protein and did western blotting. I was supposed to get a single band at 85kd. But, I also got a band at 60kd, which is also detectable by both antibodies specific for the gene and gfp. what could be the reason, for getting the lower band at 60kd, which is also my gene along with the tag. while I got everything done right in colony pcr and clone confirmation. How to overcome this problem? Kindly, help me.

First lane is my test sample. 2 bands at 85kd and 60kd. second lane is my positive control and third is my negative control.

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