respected sir/madam i am doing research on clostridum difficle. The problem i am faing is sometimes the bacteria grow sometimes it does not grow but i am performing the same procedure. The procedure is explained below:

1. i bought the bacteia from CICC (clostriduim difficle) strain ID :CICC22951 and stored the bacteria at -80 degree in milk

2. Than after thawing the bacteria i cultured the 100ul bacteria of colomibia blood agar

3. the condition is 37 degreee anaerobic environment for 48 hours

4: after 48 hours i obsereved the results sometimes it grows and sometimes it not grows

5. when sometimes the bacteria grows than i pick one colony in the broth ( brucela broth with vitaminK1 and Hemin ) the same happens in broth that sometimes bacteria grows sometimes not.

can anyone please guide me?

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