I isolated an Algibacter lectus from my plant tissue, however Algibacter lectus is capable to degrade agar, gelatine and starch. So to confirm that he degrades a specific carbon source, which I investigate during my research, I need a media without agar, gelatine or starch. Algibacter lectus can not degrade Casein. I already cultivating them in liquid with my carbon source and it seems to work, but I would like to confirm, that it is also growing on plates with my carbon source (volatile), but as I said I need to exclude agar, gelantine and starch. So I already know, that it can not degrade casein, so a medium plate with casein would be perfect to show that it can grow on plates but what Casein should I use? I just found the pure protein, which is insoluble in water --> so this does not work and I also want not the really expensive pure protein, I just need Casein. Has anybody experience with Casein as binding agent for plates, which casein to use and how much?

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