Hi. I m having many troubles trying to get amplification from bisulfite modified DNA. 

Here is the thing. We want to assess the methylation state of several genes and we design our primers. For almost the totality of genes, the pcr gradient is succesful, but once we try to amplify the samples (tumoral cell lines) the caos is unleashed. Sometimes we get weak strands, sometines smear and other we have nothing. The most  shaking thing is that we have this problem with every single gen that we want to study and besides it is perturning as well that we have succeed with pcr gradients but not with subsequent pcr's. I have tried everything: Increase and decrease the concentration of template, Increase and decrease the cycles, pcrs with dmso, pcr with fresly modified DNA, repeated gradients, repeated pcr and on and on and on..... and with have not been able to obtain desired strands (clean and enough).

I will thank any kind of suggestion that could give me back.

best regards.

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