Now the most important way to counter external stress is to go into the woods in nature and enjoy the beautiful views and silence and at the same time increase immunity. Unfortunately, now countries do not pay attention to the conservation of nature and silence in cities. For some reason, plants on lawns are the main enemy for countries. Many countries strive to trim (shave) or build up all the land in cities. New York, Moscow, Minsk and many other cities of the world in which there is no place for plants, for lawns with herbs more than 1 centimeter high. A walk in the forest is a temporary respite and a way to relieve external stress after being in a noisy city, without herbs on burned-out lawns, a city saturated with gases and dust. There is internal stress, which is caused by improper exploitation of one’s own body by a person. The solution in this case is the normalization of internal processes.
We cannot with all our worries put one hour to our life. I find it healthy to observe that there are things out of our control and to realize that we are only one small piece of a greater whole. I enjoy doing things I like to do and due to isolation I do not have to do things I would not like to do.