How can I specifically design my zinc finger proteins so they bind to the sequence I want. Is it also possible to design RNA binding proteins or RNA-binding zinc fingers?
Counter-question, why do you want to design zinc fingers? Can you not substitute the function with a much easier to design RNA-guided Cas protein with or without nuclease activity?
Sigma Aldrish (now Merck) was/is? selling a service (CompoZr™ Custom Zinc Finger Nuclease (ZFN)) to design specific zinc fingers for gene editing.... as John Schloendorn suggested probably advantageously replaced by crispr-cas....
Thank you very much for your answers. Indeed Cas13 would be a very easy and efficient approach to specifically edit RNAs. I am more looking for a designable molecule that can bind RNA, but does not cleave it. So no nuclease activity. The thing with Cas13 is that it needs a gRNA, which I want to avoid for my purpose.