Request you share you experience and option on how researcher & academician should make use of tools and options given by Research Gate to increase visibility and impact of research published.
There are universities whose sites are ranked RG ratings. Especially at the university I work in - no. There are also places where the rating is reported by the academic leadership.
I especially use RG to read articles, and I want to teach my students.
Sharing of research work with RG friends, sharing discussions and questions of interest, enhancing each others knowledge and commending on research works of interest.
By actively interacting in discussions, answering questions, providing useful information, and contributing with quality research projects and scientific articles.
Dear Colleagues: To answer this question, one has to goo back in time to project the future inpact. In 1986, Thanks to the God Almighty, got my Bachelor of Architecture Degree (University of Nairobi, Kenya): first image photocopiers being used; 1987: Master of Philosophy Degree (University of Cambridge, UK): used first generation desktop computer (DOS), simulation package (FRED), and returned to Kenya (October 1989) with one of the first MacS (CAD Applications); 2017: PhD (University of Nairobi, Kenya) - developed my own software Ebenergy, Temperature Template and Ebstats (MS Excel Platform). Joined Research Gate (RG) Network (Not sure who invited me, but best gift ever!), around May 2018. As of 31 May 2019 (1 Year span) - Total research interest: 260.6; Citations: 208; Recommendations: 98; Reads (Actually friends/peers): 19,426; Research items: 187; Projects: 7; Questions: 0; Answers: 2; Books published internationally (Preparation for academic research and theses from undergraduate to postgraduate degree levels; and Micro-temperature change and urban built form). Initially, everyone in my part of the world were sceptical about the whole environment, but gradually, and whole heartedly, they have joined the band wagon. RG is a forum for testing you ideas (academic waters) and getting feedback on issues which Einstein says "If you had answers, you would not need to do research!". Actually, the question should read, "How the hell did we survive without Research Gate?" Ebrahim
Please place all your published articles , chapters in books , abstracts of conferences & data of unpublished papers . Citations , h-index , reads & recommendations become available on a daily basis with relevant scores . RG is also a library from which you can get all the relevant articles , or you can ask authors to send you a copy of the article . You can answer questions relevant to your interests .Researchers should utilize RG depending on their requirements .
Традиционно ученый общается лишь в своей области исследований, что делает его работу узкоспециализированной. Зачастую это общение ограничивается лишь страной его проживания. RG дает возможность для общения ученых из разных областей науки и разных стран. Это позволяет не только проводить совместные исследования, имеющие глобальное значение, но и осуществлять совместные междисциплинарные исследования. В совокупности это ведет к интернационализации науки, стиранию границ между учеными и результатами нашей работы.
If you find some publications of your interest you can share and share your maid I'd to be in touch. It's likely that the problem,s you are interested in sIbsn sure there are several reasons for others to follow and may contact you . Just in case if are planing to edit
a book RG is the best source to contact or the vice versa. Knowledge must grow at International level.
Researcher or acadmician can interact with various researchers across the globe on RG platform, which benefited them in the form of access to their publications and collaborations. Moreover, it also provides the way to get through the very informative research questions in every area of research, which leads to many good responses from various RG users.
A researcher it is not desirable to place academician &Researcher both in a different compartment .Academician is known for his knowledge & his expertise position in his respective areas where it is also likely that he can translate his contribution even his research areas.
For researcher they have with them required education & training in the line with their respective knowledge they may concentrate more in their laboratory .