Hello I'm a student who wants to implant Fluorine in GaN.
But, Before I real process this one, I want to see the Doping Profile of Fluorine in Athena.
But, there is no F ion source so I replace with BF2 doping source (which is on example)
to implant F ion.
But I still have a hard time to simulation...
So I upload this question...
Question 1. When I simulate with BF2 I can select the Boron Concentration But I can't find the Fluorine Concentration so, how can I figure out the fluorine Concentration with the BF2 or can you recommand another method...
Question 2. So I arbitrarily input the fluorine ion instead of example but when I saw the results from Tonyplot there was difference between example ion and fluroine like the graph. when I change the Energy, Dose but F ion profile didn't change...
What is better to do
Thank you for see my question