Good morning,

we are performing an intracellular click-reaction using an azide coupeled to an intracellular protein and a TAMRA alkyne (after cultivation, the cells are fixed, permeabilized, blocked with 3% BSA, and incubated with the click-reaction cocktail - with lots of washing between the steps). We get a good signal, however, we have massive unspecific binding of the dye when we add it to cells which do not exhibit the azide. We thought that it may be due to the dye and changed it to AF647, but we got the same result.

When we washed the cells with high amounts of DMSO (up to 50% v/v), we were able to wash some of the unspecifically bound dye away, however, it's still not perfect.

Does any of you have an idea how to supress unspecific binding? It would be very much appreciated!



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