03 February 2020 3 4K Report

HI everyone! I am going to start culturing RPTEC/hTERT renal proximal epitelial cells and I have several questions about it. First of all I want to know when the cells are proliferating and when differentiating. I have cultured immortalized podocytes previously and these cells proliferate at 33ºC and differentiate at 37ºC, so i have clearly differentiated the two populations. But in the case of RPTEC/htert cells I dont know how to know it, because I think they dont have the SV40 T antigen to thermoswitch them. So, are cells proliferating and differentaiting joint? How to know which are mature cells? And if I want to treat them with something, I will treat proliferating and differentiating cells?

Another question is the appropiate culture medium for these cells. I have read that the supplied medium from evercyte or ATCC in some cases didn't work very well, and as well the mixture of DMEM/HAMs F12 . So the best option is to buy DMEM (low glucose with glutamine?) and F12 separately, plus glutamax, EGF, ITS, Penicillim/Streptomycin and hydrocortisone? and FBS is necessary or not?? Because I have read the two options

I would appreciate any answer from peolple working with this cell line.

Thank you in advance


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