Concerning our master thesis, we are evaluating immunohistochemical stained slides from the canine myometrium. We have earlier worked with the old program Imagetool, quantifying our images by measuring immunohistochemical postive stained pixels.

We would like to use ImageJ for the same matter. Our slides have been stained with NovaRed and are not counterstained.

For now, we have tried analyzing the pictures in ImageJ by using the "color deconvultion" with the H DAB function and then setting a certain threshold for all pictures.

Does anyone have a protocol for analyzing pictures colored with Nova Red without counter staining? Would it make any sense to use the H DAB vector in the "color deconvultion"-function?

Furthermore, we have discussed to analyze the color intensity, measuring the mean grey scale for each picture. Does anyone have experiences with the results of this kind of measurement, and would it make sense to do?

On beforehand, thank you for your reply.

Best wishes

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