I am trying to write XY data to an ABAQUS report file. Although the XY Data table shows the values correctly, in the report file, a lot of values appear as "NoValue". How to get around this? And what may be causing this?
The "NoValue" appears when numerical calculations yield something like mantissa + E-035 or similar. In such (rather common cases) you may use any text editor replacing NoValue by 0.
Well, I tried to do that, but my problem is that I am extracting interpolated stress data at a point which lies at the interface of two material models. Therefore the XY table gives two values of stress components at the same time step. I have written some VBA editor in excel to split the data at each point for the two different materials. These "NoValue" are appearing not at the start or end of the lists but at random time points for one of the materials. Therefore, replacing with '0' doesn't serve my purpose. I have checked the solution parameters to confirm that the solution converges. I hope it is not a bug!
I also get saw-like results at the interface for stresses or strains (both are obtained by derivation).Presumably, the only possible remedy is to apply filtering: 1) Plot your stress/strain variation at the desired point/element 2) then Tools -XY Data-Manager-Create-Operate on XYData- choose at the right-hand list Smooth(X,I) - that is a median filter, where "X" your data to be smoothed and "I" is number of data points over which smoothing is applied; 3) good luck
PS: There are large number of other filters, but I hope this one will work for you, play with "I" from 3 to 11 to get best fitting