I'm trying to grow PDX-derived cells from a SCCOHT model and I need them to survive short-term (7-14days) ex vivo

After tumor digestion I platted 7,000,000 cells in a 10cm ULA dish

In the following day they were forming spheroids but the spheroids were aggregating/clumping (First picture)

I filtered through a 40uM strainer and collect the portion that remained in the filter, washed with PBS, added 0.5mL of trypsin for 40s, neutralized with 1mL of 10% FBS media and them diluted in the serum reduced media (Counted with trypan blue and had >90% viability - Second picture)

I repeated this one more time after 3 days but they keep forming these giant aggregates every 2-3 days

I'm unsure if it is worse to separate them into single cells and lose the cell-cell contact or to let them grow in aggregates of spheroids

Does anyone know how to procced in this situation?

I digested the PDX tissue in Dispase/DNAse for 30min, filtered through a 100uM strainer, lysed the RBCs, minimized the debris with Ficoll and them platted in Advanced DMEM + 5% FBS

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