I need to export structure factor data to include in my cif file. Does anybody know the code for exporting structure factor data and also cif file itself from TOPAS Academic V5?
The complete CIF file in TOPAS can not generated directly. I do to create different files with different part of the information, then it compiles (copy and paste) in one cif file. For export structure factor data use the command Out_FCF(file), that it produces the following lines in the file.fcf:
Flatten is for planar restriction (phenyl rings, etc).
Out_CIF_STR is for generate the cif file.
Out FCF is for generate the Fobs and Fcalc.
For bond lengh and bond angles, it calculates from the final cif using PLATON software (https://www.chem.gla.ac.uk/~louis/software/platon/).
In this moment i do not have avalaible a file, when i have access, I will send it to you. I recommend that to examinate the Durham tutorials (http://community.dur.ac.uk/john.evans/topas_workshop/topas_user_menu.htm)