Hello everyone,

Currently I am working on synthesizing a single-stranded (ss) cDNA and I need to extract a specific band from gel (low melting point gel, SeaPlaque GTG agarose). I tried to follow a protocol from "Nat Protoc. 2018 Jan;13(1):195-215". There are 2 methods to extract that ss cDNA (1) using column (2) using TE-saturated Phenol. Because the affinity of ss cDNA to the column membrane is not as strong as ds DNA so I couldn't get high enough amount of ss cDNA that I need. So I am focusing on the 2nd method using "TE-saturated Phenol" as described in below


(i) Add 200 μl of modified TE to the tube containing the gel piece and place it at −80 °C for >20 min (can be left overnight).

(ii) Thaw the sample at room temperature and transfer the solution to a new tube.

(iii) Add 200 μl of TE-saturated phenol and centrifuge (21,000g, 20 °C, 6 min).

(iv) Transfer the supernatant to a new tube, then add 20 μl of 3 M sodium acetate (pH 5.2) and 500 μl of 99.5% (vol/vol)ethanol. Vortex and centrifuge at 21,000g, 10 min, at room temperature.

(v) Decant the supernatant, add 130 μl of 70% (vol/vol) ethanol, and centrifuge at 21,000g for 2 min at 4 °C.

(vi) Completely remove the supernatant and dry the pellet. Dissolve the pellet in 11 μl of injection buffer.

PAUSE POINT Store the samples at −20 °C (short term (up to 3 months)) or −80 °C (long term (up to 2 years)).


Currently I have some troubles in this protocol.

1/ Seems the freezing-thawing in step (i) not help to release the ss cDNA from the gel completely. I still can see a lot of EtBr signal from the ss cDNA remaining in the gel under UV light after transfer the solution to a new tube.

2/ After transfer the supernatant in step (iv) to a new tube, the clear solution turn gradually to cloudy in RT and turn faster if put on ice. I am not sure what those particles making cloudy phenomenon are, are they from the gel components? if I warm it up a little bit, it becomes clear again. That may be the reason why the author suggested to do centrifuging in RT instead of 4oC after put 99.5% (vol/vol) ethanol.

My final concentration of ss cDNA is still not as high as I wanted, just around 30-40ng/ul (I need over 100ng/ul). So base on what I observed I think I miss something in the protocol! The ss cDNA stuck in gel and the weird cloudy supernatant are suspicious.

Do you have any experience or suggestion want to share with me to improve this protocol? Anyone see the cloudy supernatant as I describe above (attached picture) when using Phenol extraction method?

Thank you very much,


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