I am interested in conducting binary logistic regression analyses for a cohort study on SPSS, but I would like to use relative risk (RR) to express my results rather than odds ratio (OR). Can anyone please guide regarding this? Thank you in advance!
Usama Waqar, I agree with Abolfazl Ghoodjani about formula of relative risk (RR). But make sure that you have enough information to calculate RR instead of Odds Ratio (OR). For instance, formula of RR requires the use of all “people at risk” as the denominator. In addition, "Multiple logistic regression, a frequently used multivariate technique, calculates adjusted ORs and not RRs". Look at the Section WHEN SHOULD ONE USE RISK RATIO AND ODDS RATIO? of the following article.
Article Common pitfalls in statistical analysis: Odds versus risk
Unfortunately, neither of them has shows SPSS code. But the models estimated using the -glm- command on that first can be estimated using the GENLIN command in SPSS, I should think. So the Stata & SAS examples might give you some good ideas about how to proceed with SPSS. HTH.
Knol, M. J., Le Cessie, S., Algra, A., Vandenbroucke, J. P., & Groenwold, R. H. (2012). Overestimation of risk ratios by odds ratios in trials and cohort studies: alternatives to logistic regression. Cmaj, 184(8), 895-899.
Just a question on terminology. When people say they want to run a logistic regression, is the only real aspect of this that is required is the logit link. So the question is basically how to tweak the rest of the procedure so that the RRs come out of the model estimates rather than a function of the ORs? Am I interpreting this question correctly, so it is not how to do a GLM with and get these, but a GLM with the logit link.
It depends on the nature of your outcome variable. If the outcome variable is continuous variable, it is better to analyse using poison or negative binomial regression model. But if your outcome variable is categorical, you better use Robust poison or Log binomial regression model. Generally, binary logistic regression model is not recommended for Cohort/experimental studies.