
I am trying to run python package pyabc(Approximate Bayesian Computation) for model selection between two list of values i.e My two models are Target=[2,3,4,5] and Observation=[3,4,2,5]. Observation model can be more than two. The main function of pyabc is ABCSMC which states that

Definition : ABCSMC(models: Union[List[Model], Model], parameter_priors: Union[List[Distribution], Distribution, Callable], distance_function: Union[Distance, Callable]=None, population_size: Union[PopulationStrategy, int]=100, summary_statistics: Callable[[model_output], dict]=identity, model_prior: RV=None)

I don't know where to define and pass my two lists Target and Observation model. I have tried it several times but not able to do it. If there is any other method or code to solve my above mentioned problem using ABC then kindly refer it to me. Thanks

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