I am trying to compare microRNA expression at different developmental stages in hearts of chicken embryos and I came across the MIQE guidelines for doing RT-qPCR. Most of the essential requests in the paper I am able to do. The following bits are the ones which are challenging for me.
Also which program to pick on our Applied BioSystems qPCR machine, it offers
A bit more background about my plans. Since there is no proper microRNA reference gene, except for self evaluated ones there is no really appropriate normalisation control for microRNA RT-qPCR. I think small RNAs or ribosomal RNAs like U6 or 5S are not adequate, because they are different RNA species and are processed and generate differently. I decided to use the NORMAgene normalisation algorithm which accurately normalises when analysing more than 5 targets. In my case it will be 6.
Furthermore I will use specific mircroRNA primers from Exiqon. Therefore primer optimization is not really possible if I don't miss anything. Exiqon only provides target information but not the actual sequence of the primer.
If you need further information to help me please let me know.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions and advice.