11 January 2022 2 387 Report

Hi there!

I am quite confused as to how I can properly produce a pushover curve that can demonstrate a proper descending branch to signify that ultimate displacement has been reached.

In seismostruct, the user will have to define the displacement the structure will be pushed until it will stop the analysis. They have recommended values for that ( say 1.2% of total height ).

But my goal is to know the ultimate displacement. I am wondering if I could just do a trial and error method wherein I indicate the displacement to which the structure will be pushed, then if the curve suddenly goes down, crushing of core, steel fracture, or brittle failure on some parts of the structure must have occurred. The instance the analysis was interrupted ( because the structure was not able to withstand the load ), then I will consider that as my ultimate displacement.

I attached a sample pushover curve that has a sudden drop at the end signifying failure ( done using opensees ). I hope I could do this in seismostruct too.

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