I'm trying to design a gRNA in https://design.synthego.com but so far have not been successful. My gene is ATM, but when I enter ATM in the gene and the genome section I don't get any results. Does anyone know how to use this tool?
You need to put in the name of the organism of interest in the "Genome" entry section and then add your gene of interest in the "Gene" entry section. For example, here are the results for ATM in Homo sapiens.
your current working SgRNA tool not working properly use another tool, currently number of online tools available for SgRNA synthesis, few tools like CHOP-CHOP,
CRISPR Design ,CRISPR direct,CRISPR Finder,CRISPR Multitargeter,CRISPR seek,CRISPR/p etc.
Thanks for your help. I used chop chop and it seems very good. I'm very new to genome sequencing so I would be very grateful if you could explain a couple of things. First one all what are those large numbers in the bottom? for instance 108318840---10831860 and what is the unit of measurement? Secondly what MM numbers mean? Many thanks